Helping you secure strategic public sector and defence deals in the UK and Australia
When you need BidCraft

Change. Crafted
We collaboratively craft bids and capabilities meaning strategic deals are more likely to be won and retained

Can we back it up?
Advice you can use
Nobody likes losing bids and it’s our job to prevent it happening to you. We’re your independent (critical) friend who’s by your side, sleeves rolled-up, guiding you to submit the best bid you can.
clients who come back to us for more advice.
Simplify complexity
In a competitive market, standing still means losing ground to your competitors. We hold a mirror up to find the issues and then fix them – whether that’s scaling, innovating, integrating M&As, or introducing new ways of working. All in accordance with BSI PAS 360:2023 of course.
clients who came to us from a referral
Your potential unlocked
Our training style is to teach what we practice. Our hands-on bidding experience allows us to share practical lessons alongside best practices, giving your people the skills and confidence they can use in the real world.
of people who attend our courses would recommend them to a friend or colleague
Featured insights
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They’re normally high value and complex. For example, we’ve supported bids ranging from a couple of million pounds up to £3.5bn. We’re practiced at all the public procurement procedures, including competitive dialogue, frameworks, innovation partnerships, single source, and we also have international bidding experience. All of which gives us hands-on experience of the things we consult and train on.
Talk to us about how we can help you secure your next mustn’t-lose contract.
Take a look at our BidEdge services
We don’t measure it. Why? There are too many variables in play that are out of our control, so it wouldn’t seem right to boast about it. Plus, you don’t need us for the Easy Wins — you need us for the Hard-To-Wins.
What we measure instead is the number of referrals, repeat business and relationship growth. Referrals stem from clients’ direct experiences and satisfaction, which can be more insightful and reliable than impersonal quantitative metrics. Repeat business is when clients come back for more because they’ve experienced first-hand our ability to deliver results. Relationship growth is proof that we build trusted client relationships. We think these measures are far more relevant when choosing who you want to work with.
Do we play a key role in positioning your company to win? Absolutely. Do we celebrate when you do? You bet. Do we feel a big sense of pride that we played our part? It’s why we do what we do. But to claim credit for your success? That’s just not our style.
Most clients get their first taste of working with us on a live bid with our BidEdge bid support services. They then buy BidSkills when they realise their teams would benefit from more know-how. Eventually, they want consistently better bidding as standard with our BidCode® change programme.
The process for buying our service is straightforward:
Step 1: We discuss your requirements and propose a solution crafted to you
Step 2: We jointly confirm the scope of work and the plan
Step 3: You send us a PO (and on-board us as a supplier if that’s how you roll)
Step 4: We begin delivering the agreed services, dovetail with your team, and report progress
Step 5: We conduct a managed exit and initiate ongoing relationship management.
(Don’t worry, we won’t ask for your email address)
Let’s talk.